

Aesthetics & Acupuncture located in Nassau County, Great Neck, NY


Arthritis services offered in Nassau County, Great Neck, NY

If pain and stiffness in your joints affect your everyday routine, you might have arthritis. To help you overcome arthritis pain, Jeanine Martin, Lac, and her medical team have the expertise to give you the relief you need and deserve. To learn more, call the North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness office in Great Neck, New York, to book an appointment or schedule your visit online.

Arthritis Q&A

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a disorder that causes inflammation and pain in your joints. There are over 100 different types, and two of the most common that affect adults as they age include:


Osteoarthritis occurs when you have a breakdown in the protective cartilage that covers your joints. When the cartilage disintegrates, your bones can’t glide over each other, which causes friction, inflammation, and pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system acts dysfunctionally and mistakenly attacks the healthy lining of your joints. 


Other factors that can put you at risk for developing arthritis include your age, family history, being overweight, and previous joint injuries.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

The most common symptoms of arthritis include swelling and stiffness in your joints. Over time, it can become more difficult to move your joints easily without pain.


You can also experience other symptoms, such as redness, pain, and warmth in your joints. When you don’t receive treatment, your joints can become twisted and deformed, stopping you from being physically active and affecting your quality of life.


If you have any signs of arthritis, reach out to the North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness team as soon as possible for an evaluation.

How is arthritis treated?

The North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness team uses many different types of treatment to reduce or stop your pain and help you regain your mobility.


Treatments may include:


  • Acupuncture
  • Traditional Chinese medicine
  • Manual medicine
  • Massage therapy
  • Therapeutic exercise


Jeanine and her team have the expertise to treat both acute and chronic pain, targeting areas such as your neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, back, and knees.


They also combine the use of traditional Chinese medicine with the latest technology to give you superior results.


Other treatments may include recommended lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, eating a nutrient-rich diet, and moving your body daily to exercise and reduce stress.


Before treatment begins, your provider consults with you to determine what can work best for you to help you get optimal results.


If arthritis limits your quality of life, determine which treatment options are right for you. Call North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness today or book an appointment online.