
Fertility Issues

Aesthetics & Acupuncture located in Nassau County, Great Neck, NY

Fertility Issues

Fertility Issues services offered in Nassau County, Great Neck, NY

Patients who struggle with fertility issues are familiar with the physical and emotional challenges they can present. At North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness in Great Neck, New York, Jeanine Martin, Lac, and her expert team guide you through a fertility evaluation, treating you with sensitivity while providing safe, effective therapies. To learn more, call today or use the online scheduler for convenience.

Fertility Issues Q&A

What are fertility issues?

If you’ve been trying to conceive for quite some time, but aren’t able to get pregnant, you may have fertility issues, also called infertility. This problem arises for various reasons. For example, you may struggle to conceive if you have irregular menstrual cycles. Endometriosis can cause issues as well.


When you visit North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness, the compassionate team offers testing and treatments for your fertility issues.

When should I have a fertility consultation?

The North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness team encourages a consultation for women who fall within these guidelines:


  • Aged 34 or younger not pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse
  • Ages 35-40 not pregnant after six months of unprotected intercourse
  • Over age 40 and desire to get pregnant
  • Any age with a health condition that may affect the ability to conceive


Because age plays a role in your chances of conceiving, if you’re older than 40, you should see your specialists at North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness as soon as possible. They can perform a comprehensive exam, identify potential fertility issues, provide treatment to increase your chance of getting pregnant, and help you have a healthy pregnancy.

How are fertility issues treated?

Before receiving treatment, your provider asks questions about your lifestyle, which includes your diet, exercise habits, stress levels, and how much you sleep. You also discuss your fertility concerns.


Acupuncture is a helpful treatment option to address fertility issues. Your acupuncture treatment lasts about 30-60 minutes as your provider places very thin needles in different areas of your body. The purpose is to improve the energy flow throughout your body to promote overall health. 


Acupuncture treatments can help with conditions that affect fertility, such as:

  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Low sperm quality and quantity


Jeanine and her team tailor your treatments to your condition, but typically, you can expect to receive acupuncture 1-3 times a week.


Other treatments to help with fertility that your provider may use in combination with acupuncture are cupping, cold laser therapy, and Gua sha.


To learn more about fertility issues and your treatment options, contact North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness today by phone or request an appointment online anytime.