
Facial Rejuvenation

Aesthetics & Acupuncture located in Nassau County, Great Neck, NY

Facial Rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation services offered in Nassau County, Great Neck, NY

Complete facial rejuvenation without lengthy downtime or injectable medications is possible thanks to nano needling. At North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness in Great Neck, New York, Jeanine Martin, Lac, and her team perform nano needling as an alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures. Nano needling combines the rejuvenating effects of microneedling with high-quality serums and nutrients to enhance your skin's tone, texture, and quality. Call or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.

Facial Rejuvenation Q&A

What is facial rejuvenation?

Facial rejuvenation refers to treatments that restore the skin’s youthful appearance. As you age, your skin loses the collagen, elasticity, and hyaluronic acid that keeps it firm and clear. Your skin may start to wrinkle and sag. Slower cell turnover can also cause stubborn sun damage and hyperpigmentation to appear. 


Opting for nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedures can effectively enhance your skin's suppleness and youthful radiance.


At North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness, Jeanine and her team offer many facial rejuvenation treatments, including nano needling, a transdermal serum delivery system that targets many of the same concerns as microneedling while delivering rejuvenating products into the skin.

How does facial rejuvenation with nano needling work?

Nano needling creates thousands of tiny micro-channels in the skin with thin needles while infusing it with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients. The treatment triggers collagen and elastin production to encourage firmness and elasticity that keeps your skin youthful and responsive. 


Nano needling can enhance the appearance and quality of your skin without lengthy downtime. Jeanine and her team customize your treatment to target your unique skin concerns and aesthetic goals.

What skin concerns can nano needling facial rejuvenation treat?

Facial rejuvenation treatments like nano needling can address a wide range of skin concerns, including:


  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin laxity
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Brown spots
  • Stretch marks
  • Enlarged pores
  • Uneven skin tone and texture


Nano needling exfoliates the skin for a brighter, clearer, and firmer appearance. Treatments also stimulate blood circulation to accelerate healing.

How do I prepare for nano needling facial rejuvenation?

Nano needling requires very little preparation due to its minimally invasive nature. However, to ensure your treatment is successful with minimal downtime, you should:


  • Limit sun exposure
  • Wear sunscreen outside
  • Stop using retinol a few days before your appointment
  • Avoid certain topical and oral acne medications


Jeanine and her team provide careful instructions before your procedure to help you prepare for your visit.

How many nano needling treatments will I need?

The number of nano needling treatments you need depends on your unique skin care goals. After a comprehensive consultation, Jeanine and her team can create a personalized treatment plan that suits your needs. Most people respond well to four to six nano needling treatments spaced four to six weeks apart.


Call North Shore Acupuncture and Wellness today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about nano needling.